Aunt Em’s
Aunt Em’s Gourmet Popcorn, Inc.
What’s in a name? In the case of Aunt Em’s, the name actually implies a great deal that we feel our customers want to know. Since our company name begins with a real person’s name, you know integrity in the representation of our capabilities and products are a very personal aspect of the business. The term Gourmet Popcorn also carries a very import message. As the term GOURMET implies, Aunt Em’s specializes in full flavored popcorn products with few if any artificial ingredients. Even the Inc. in our name has a meaning that our business customers are looking for. It tells them we are something more than just a startup family business, we started 2002 and are a recognized by our customers as a serious business partner with business knowledge and experience they can count on. Aunt Em’s has responded in kind to our customer support by continually expanding our facility to meet our customer’s requests and needs. In 2019 Aunt Em’s will undergo our 5th facility expansion.
Aunt Em’s Goals
Aunt Em’s Gourmet Popcorn specializes in developing and making store brand products at competitive prices for nationally known retailers. We make those popcorn products in an annually audited SQF certified facility with full lot tracking and inventory control to insure everything is made with fresh ingredients and are up to nationally recognized standards.
Besides being SQF certified, Aunt Em’s products are made in a nut free facility and are also certified Gluten free because Aunt Em’s recognizes our customers concerns over allergens in food. Aunt Em’s can also offer organic and GMO free products to suite our customer’s needs.

Aunt Em’s Product Line Up
Old fashioned oil popped white salted popcorn – just like your grandma made
Kettle Corn (made with large kernel yellow butterfly popcorn and cane sugar)
Hot air popped yellow butterfly popcorn with real butter
Rich Buttery Caramel Popcorn
Yellow Cheddar Cheese Popcorn (with real cheese)
Caramel and Cheese Popcorn Mix
Cheddar Ranch Cheese Popcorn (with real cheese)
Aunt Em’s is conveniently located in central Illinois next to Interstate 74 between Peoria and Bloomington. Our standard quotes are offered as FOB from our location to keep minimum order quantities and prices low.
Aunt Em’s is setup for EDI order entry and typically makes products to order on a standard 21 calendar day lead time. Our standard terms are Net 30 with discounts available for early payment.